couple o' toys
& Here's the 2nd installment of catch-up.
On the left is the "Little Boo-Boo Bear. I followed the instructions mostly. The differences being that I didn't embroider the nose, and I did french knots for the eyes. Hey, there was no time/money to go out and buy felt. Not to mention that I had been wanting to practise my french knots for a while. lol. However. Even though I followed the pattern otherwise, my ears turned out much smaller (proportionately) than in the pattern. Why? I have no idea. Personally, I like to think that the picture from the pattern didn't actually reflect the pattern.
At any rate.
Above on the right is the Amigurumi Snail. And again, mostly I followed the pattern. <--This is beginning to be quite a habit, eh? But seriously, although very cute, how many snails do you see with big googly eyes?? Eh? The snails I see don't really have eyes as such at all. They only have eye spots on tentacles. Which is why I gave my snails tentacles instead of eyes. ...I guess that if I had had the googly eyes on-site then I would have used them. But I didn't. And as I was in need of some serious instant gratification, going out to buy them would not have worked. So we have a little verisimilitude instead. Notice that I do not mention that the blue & pink combination are probably never ever ever seen in nature. lol.
Maybe next time I pass by the craft store, I'll lay in a supply of googly eyes...