so much yarn... so little time!


couple o' toys

& Here's the 2nd installment of catch-up.

On the left is the "Little Boo-Boo Bear. I followed the instructions mostly. The differences being that I didn't embroider the nose, and I did french knots for the eyes. Hey, there was no time/money to go out and buy felt. Not to mention that I had been wanting to practise my french knots for a while. lol. However. Even though I followed the pattern otherwise, my ears turned out much smaller (proportionately) than in the pattern. Why? I have no idea. Personally, I like to think that the picture from the pattern didn't actually reflect the pattern.
At any rate.

Above on the right is the Amigurumi Snail. And again, mostly I followed the pattern. <--This is beginning to be quite a habit, eh? But seriously, although very cute, how many snails do you see with big googly eyes?? Eh? The snails I see don't really have eyes as such at all. They only have eye spots on tentacles. Which is why I gave my snails tentacles instead of eyes. ...I guess that if I had had the googly eyes on-site then I would have used them. But I didn't. And as I was in need of some serious instant gratification, going out to buy them would not have worked. So we have a little verisimilitude instead. Notice that I do not mention that the blue & pink combination are probably never ever ever seen in nature. lol.

Maybe next time I pass by the craft store, I'll lay in a supply of googly eyes...


cotton hat

Okay. I've been hookin along, although I haven't been posting things here. And btw, I'm about to rectify that error!

I did hit a rough point along the way. An emotional/mental wall where I stood at the foot and wondered why I crochet in the first place. However, since this blog isn't about therapy, I will not go into the gory details. lol!

Over at the 'Ville, there is a wonderful Hat-A-Week CAL. I read more than I post, because basically I'm lazy. lol!! But finally I grabbed a pattern, for the Addison hat, and gave it a go. In cotton, worsted weight, because I am perverse. Other than that, I followed the instructions and the hat turned out decently well, if I do say so myself. It does look significantly different than the pic in the pattern. And I'm not sure if that's due to the color scheme differences, or my yarn choice, or what-have-you.

The picture on the left is of the hat with the brim rolled down, and in the one on the right, the brim is rolled up.