colors and other bits of info
I wouldn't have picked pink and yellow to go together again. Lol! However, since those were the colors of Baby Econo (or whatever that is) by Red Heart, those went together. I did some edging in white that gave a different feel to the modules, one of which is pictured below.
This module measures about 6 inches from side to side, and yup, the beginnings are from the Grandma's Flower Garden pattern.
I used up the pink and yellow and put the hexagons together, and then I realized that the little bit of crocheted material was waaay too small for my liking. So I am now edging the entire thing with the white. Yes, I could have bought more pink and yellow, but I decided not to because I didn't want to end up with leftovers. Again. Lol. And, truth be told, I'm not overfond of this type of yarn. It says on the label that it is good for babies, but I don't know that I would want it on my skin too long. It might be good for a sun-shade though, or for throwing over a nursing infant to give that small one some privacy.
In other yarn news, I finally washed the scarf made from the Dolcetto (one of Joann Fabric's brands). The results were not very much to my liking; I think that scarf actually started to felt! I am kind of disappointed, but oh well. I am learning learning learning, and that is good. I'm not sure what I want to do with the scarf now that I see how delicate it is. I wouldn't feel right giving it away (since it requires special attention to maintain), but I don't really want to wear it myself, for fear of getting something on it and then having to clean it. Ugh!